Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Week 13 ~ Media Arts ~ Viewing and Celebrating

The 4 P’s: pre-production, production, post-production and presentation
This week we got to view our films, they were amazing! Below is the final product of the filming process. It was great to be able to celebrate and share in our success and see the ways others interpreted the stimulus "fly". Some films were funny, others were thought provoking but all were quality and enjoyable films. The viewing is a part of the presentation stage, the final stage in the film making process. This is another important opportunity for reflection and to see the process come together, a process I hope to be able to facilitate for my students one day.  

Full Reference List:
Australian Curriculum Assessment, Reporting Authority. (2012a). Learning in dance. Retrieved from
Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority. (2012b). Learning in media arts. Retrieved (26/05/2014) from:
Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority. (2012c). The arts: Dance. Retrieved (27/05/2014) from:
Anderson, M. & Jefferson, M. (2009). Teaching the screen: Film education for generation next. Allen & Unwin: Sydney.
Dillingham, R.& Ohler J. (2003). Visual portrait of a story [Diagram]. Retrieved from
Gardner, H. & Hatch, T. (1989). Multiple Intelligences Go to School: Educational Implications of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Educational Researcher. (18) 8, 4-10.
Gibson, R & Ewing, R. (2011).Transforming the curriculum through the arts. South Yarra: Palgrave Macmillan.
Holt, E. (2014, May 17). Revolting Children [Video file]. Retrieved (30/05/2014) from
JozzBeat Music Publishing. (2011). JozzBeat. (05/04/2014) from:
Layne, R., Lewis, R. (2009). Plot, theme, the Narrative Arc, and Narrative Patterns. Retrieved from
Luu, R. (2014, March 30). Journey of the balloon. Retrieved from
Luu, R. (2014, June 5). The scarlet messenger. Retrieved from
Mills, J. (2009). Music in primary classroom. Retrieved (05/05/2014) from:
Moura, G. (n.d). Principles of editing. Retrieved (27/03/2014) from:
Music Council of Australia. (2013) Music: Count us in. Retrieved (12/04/2014) from:
National Dance Education Organisation. (2011). Standards for learning and teaching dance in the arts: Ages 5-18. Retrieved from:
NSW Board of Studies. (2011). Elements of dance: Space. Retrieved from  
Ohler, J. (2013). Storytelling and new media narrative. Retrieved (22/04/2014) from:
Pilobolus Dance. (2010, August 31). Pilobolus in a Hyundai Santa Fe Commercial – “Life Shapes” [Video file]. Retrieved from
Plantonic Realms (2014). Topic: Maths. Retrieved from 
Larprunu (2007, March 19). Carnival of the animals – The swan [Video file]. Retrieved from
Text2MindMap. (2013). Interactive mind map creator. Retrieved from
Tropfest. (2012, 18 Feburary). Let's make a movie! [video]. Retrieved (13/03/2014) from:


Week 12 ~ Dance ~ Dance and Literacy

Stimulus for the lesson
“If a child is not learning the way you are teaching, then you must teach in the way the child learns."
- (Gardner & Hatch, 1989)

In order to engage all students in all aspects of the curriculum, it is essential to consider all possible strategies for teaching students in alignment with their various skills and abilities. Although the importance of a philosophy of inclusion and learning for all is deeply embedded in every subject, it isn't always clear how to do it. Using a cross curriculum approach can be strategy to teach students in a dynamic way. This is what we learnt to do in dance today, using dance to teach literacy and literacy to teach dance. We used the picture book Henry and Amy to explore the literacy concept of opposites (antonyms) which lends itself well to dance as we could create and develop contrasting movements using verbs and directional language as well as more abstract concepts for dance such as ‘raining’ and ‘sunny’.  

Aside from the benefit of being able to address more outcomes with limited time and within an overcrowded curriculum, this approach can help students who to access learning in a different way. This relates to the theory of multiple intelligences as linguistic intelligence and kinaesthetic intelligence combines together (Gardner & Hatch, 1989). A student who struggles to express themselves through words can make connections, building his or her schemata through dance, building upon their prior knowledge.  That student will use his or her skills in dance to build their skills in literacy. This approach facilitates a natural inclination towards a certain skill set and makes connections to a weaker skill, building both skills.

Our cross curriculum literacy stimulus- Henry and Amy by Stephen Michael King
Google Image- 
Gardner, H. & Hatch, T. (1989). Multiple Intelligences Go to School: Educational Implications of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Educational Researcher. (18) 8, 4-10. 

Week 11 ~ Music ~ Elements of Dance

 Elements of Dance


- Dynamics

- Relationships
This week's focus was on the dance element of space. This allowed us to explore the full breadth of how space can be explored within dance. Similar to the other weeks this involved completing a range of activities such as follow the leader, group work and a group composition task around a stimulus. For our stimulus we had a fascinating ball covered in pointy shells. This made us think of the beach and focused on the shape of the sun and waves. We also included levels and explored our personal space. I found space to be an easier concept to grasp however there are many aspects within it as demonstrated in the mind-map below. 

Mind-map of space in dance using text2mindmap (2013), an interactive mind-mapping tool and classroom resource 

Source: Beltran, J. (2014)
The pointy shell ball we used as a stimulus for a beach themed exploration of shape

Although activities can encourage students to choose from the wide range of aspects within an element, they can also focus specifically on a particular aspect of an element in great detail. Of course there are benefits in each approach and a teacher would typically include a balance of both. Shape is an aspect of space that is detailed by the NSW Board of Studies (2011) on their website. It provides a wide range of elements to consider when exploring shape, an aspect of space. These could contribute to ideas for dance such as exploring contrast, opposites for literacy, symmetry and shape for mathematics. They could complete similar tasks such as follow the leader and composition tasks with these terms as a stimulus.

  • shapes with straight lines and angles
  • curving or organic shapes
  • open and closed shapes
  • symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes
  • harmonious and contrasting shapes
  • centred and off-centre shapes.


NSW Board of Studies. (2011). Elements of dance: Space. Retrieved from  

Text2MindMap. (2013). Interactive mind map creator. Retrieved from

Week 10 ~ Dance ~ Dynamics

This week we explored dynamics through a range sequenced activities to create an effective and engaging performance piece. This lesson emulated the making process through all the aspects including improvising, choreographing, comparing and contrasting, refining, interpreting, practising, rehearsing and performing (ACARA, 2012). Each activity as the curriculum recommends, built upon the last and involved regular sharing and responding to each other's work. Lessons such as these involve choreography, including vocabulary building, exploring and improvising movements. We also performed our pieces, including rehearsing, practising and developing technique. And lastly appreciating by evaluating and reviewing our work through out the process as well as at the end.  

This structure of dance lessons, which could combine to create a unit of work has obvious benefits. It allows for breaking down a focus or a number of focuses into sequential activities so students can grasp these concepts that may otherwise feel arbitrary and detached. For example follow the leader with stimulus words provided a sense of what dynamics entails which could be translated into our composition tasks. Combining these into an engaging performance involves creativity and vision from the teacher, something I now feel is not beyond my capacity so long as there is a clear focus, a stimulus and a sequence of activities that build upon themselves.

Follow the leader stimulus

Video of the group performance (Holt, 2014)-  Combining individual, paired and small group compositions into a whole class production.


Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority. (2012). The arts: Dance. Retrieved (27/05/2014) from:

Holt, E. (2014, May 17). Revolting Children [Video file]. Retrieved (30/05/2014) from

Week 9 ~ Dance ~ The Benefits of Dance

This week was a re-introduction to dance and its function as a means of expressing and developing ideas. Although familiar, many of the values and strategies for teaching dance had been lost in the last two years. It’s great that this is a reoccurring aspect of our training that is reinforced as we also develop our personal pedagogies. For example the benefits of dance for the personal, social, emotional and spiritual domains of child development are becoming more evident as we develop a greater understanding of how children learn.

The National Dance Education Organisation (2011) explore the intrinsic value of dance education. An interesting assertion is that dance in so innate in us we express ourselves through movement before talking. Of course there are the physical benefits of dance to consider, as well as the emotional aspects such as self-confidence and social development through group work. Cognitively we develop a sense of language and literacy through dance which carries into academic achievement where as with all of the arts, dance is linked to improved academic achievement. Dance also assists in developing an understanding of symbolism, multi-literacies as well as higher order thinking skills. 

The Hyundai commercial is a video we saw in first year. It was exciting and engaging then but now we can see the elements of dance and the potential for learning it contains. For example it is a great appreciation piece to explore not only the elements of dance but the viewpoints aspect of dance education (ACARA, 2010). They can discuss the message and purpose of the advertisement, asking questions such as who the target audience is and what message they are expressing about the car.

Hyundai Commercial (Pilobolus, 2010)- Exploring shape


Australian Curriculum Assessment, Reporting Authority. (2012). Learning in dance. Retrieved from

National Dance Education Organisation. (2011). Standards for learning and teaching dance in the arts: Ages 5-18. Retrieved from:

Pilobolus Dance (2010, August 31). Pilobolus in a Hyundai Santa Fe Commercial – “Life Shapes” [Video file]. Retrieved from

Week 8 ~ Music ~ Cross Curriculum Capabilities

There is geometry in the humming of the strings- Pythagoras (Platonic Realms, 2014)  

This week we workshopped ideas for teaching music through cross-curriculum lesson planning. Music is a subject that despite my initial thoughts as being generally a stand-alone subject, occasionally integrated into the other creative arts, can in fact be taught in a meaningful way whilst addressing outcomes from other subjects. Mathematics for example may appear as a subject of logic and reason in contrast to the creativity and freedom of music. However in brainstorming potential ideas for cross-curriculum activities, we thought of a wide range of activities spaning across the entire breadth of the mathematics curriculum.

The benefits of music for numeracy is well documented. Children who study music perform better in literacy and mathematics, one such benefit is known as the Mozart effect (Gibson & Ewing, 2011). The Mozart effect claims that children who are exposed to classical music demonstrate improved spatial visualisation and reasoning which would benefit space, measurement and geometry. Other skills such as understanding rhythm will assist in understanding ratios and fractions, also patterns in music transfer well to patterns in music. Beyond the enjoyment and engagement that a cross curriculum approach can bring, music and mathematics together will mutually benefit learning in both subjects.

Mathematics- Group Brainstorm
Algebra- Filling in a bar with the correct note to make up the full value

Patterns- Completing ostinatos and other musical patterns by adding the missing note value/ note pitch

Geometry- Discussing the shapes of instruments, comparing the shapes of instruments and the types of sounds they make

Sequencing- Listening for the order of instruments

Number- Using note value to do addition and subtraction, counting/ counting in bars, using time value to teach ratios.


Gibson, R & Ewing, R. (2011).Transforming the curriculum through the arts. South Yarra: Palgrave Macmillan.
Plantonic Realms (2014). Topic: Maths. Retrieved from

Week 7 ~ Music ~ Appreciating Music

This week’s task involved exploring a range of genres including classical and contemporary for use in appreciating music activities. Within both older styles of music and modern genres there are sophisticated pieces of music that students will be familiar with. For example, In the Hall of the Mountain King is a familiar song for most and features an ongoing ostinato, conducive for exploring the elements of music. Modern film composers such as Danny Elfman and John Williams provide engaging pieces that could be used with the students that they will be familiar with that are sophisticated pieces.  

These pieces can provide quality stimulus for listening activities with the capacity to address Australia Curriculum (ACARA, 2012) key knowledge explicitly such as the elements of music, viewpoints and genres of music. The work sample below demonstrates how a teacher could focus on a particular aspect of music, in  this case 3 of the elements of music in a comprehensive but well scaffolded manner. Lessons such as this should be embedded within a continuous and sequential process which enables acquisition, development and revisits these skills and knowledge with increasing depth and complexity.

Practical implementation of a responding or appreciation listening activity
- Students should listen to a short portion (about 2 minutes, maybe more for older students) of the song and repeated around 4-5 times

- First they would just have to listen to the music on its own with nothing to listen out for.

- Then provide the students with a range of questions, the quantity and difficulty depending on their age/ capabilities.

- They would listen to it a number of times again before being able to answer the questions which they would later discuss, even with a last listening to highlight certain concepts.  

Work Sample

Tone Colour

1.      What do you think the two instruments represent?

Piano- water Cello- swan

2.      Describe how they are played.

Piano- delicate, tinkling, quick, staccato Cello- flowing, soft, long, vibrato, gliding, tied notes- bowed, legato


3.      How would you describe the dynamics of the piece?

Piano (soft) with some gradual crescendos with quick drop offs/ diminuendo, towards the end pianissimo/ piano pianissimo.


4.      Describe the tempo and rhythms.

Slow- legato, cello-long, slow notes, the piano plays a fairly consistent rhythm (ostinato), faster 

The Swan (Larprunu, 2007)- Video


Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority. (2012). Learning in music. Retrieved from
 Larprunu. (2007, March 19). Carnival of the animals – The swan [Video file]. Retrieved from